The Tour Rules and Format


  • a. Players are separated into groups of four in each round.
  • b. Your overall ranking will determine your group, and position within each group.
    • i. The top four ranked players will be in group A. Player’s ranked 5-8 will be in group B and so on and so forth.
    • ii. Initial Seeding and Groups
      • 1. Initial seeding will be determined by a committee appointed by the SP leadership team. Please note that initial rankings are subjective but will consider the following criteria:
        • a. Past tournament results
        • b. Perceived skill level
        • c. Players with no record/history of play will be seeded according to time of submission.
  • c. In every round, the four players in each group will play a round robin
    • i. In the Beginner divisions, each group will play 3, 6-game sets with a 7 point tiebreaker at 5-5.
    • ii. In the Open/A1/A2 division, each group will play 3, 8-game pro sets with a 7 point tiebreaker at 7-7.

    First set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #4 vs Player Rank #2 & Player Rank #3
    Second set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #3 vs Player Rank #2 & Player Rank #4
    Third set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #2 vs Player Rank #3 & Player Rank #4

  • d. After each round the total score for each player is counted and will determine rankings for the following round.
  • e. There will be a total of 10 rounds.
  • f. After the 10 rounds the top-8 players in each division will earn a spot in The Tour Finals.

Ranking and Points system

      • a. Each group of 4 players has a seeding of 1-4. Example:
        • i. Group B features the players ranked 5, 6, 7 and 8. The 5th overall ranked player  will be Group B’s #1 seed and the 8th overall ranked player will be Group B’s 4th seed.
      • b. Your score for each round is determined by the number of sets you win. The following point system applies for each group :
        • i. Group A:
          • 1.If you win 3 sets you score 50 points
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 41, 40 or 39 points.
            • i. player with best game differential will have 41 points.
            • ii. player with 2nd best game differential will have 4o points.
            • iii. player with least game differential will have 39 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 31, 30 or 29 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 31 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 30 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 29 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • ii. Group B:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 49 points
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 40, 39 or 38 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 40 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 39 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 38 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 30, 29 or 28 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 30 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 29 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 28 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • iii. Group C:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 48 points
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 39, 38 or 37 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 39 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 38 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 37 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 29, 28 or 27 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 29 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 28 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 27 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • iv. Group D:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 47 points
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 38, 37 or 36 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 38 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 37 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 36 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 28, 27 or 26 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 28 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 27 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 26 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • v. Group E:
          •  1. If you win 3 sets you score 46 points
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 37, 36 or 35 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 37 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 36 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 35 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 27, 26 or 25 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 27 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 26 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 25 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • vi. Group F:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 45 points.
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 36, 35 or 34 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 36 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 35 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 34 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 26, 25 or 24 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 26 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 25 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 24 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • vii. Group G:
          •  1. If you win 3 sets you score 44 points.
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 35, 34 or 33 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 35 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 34 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 33 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 25, 24 or 23 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 25 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 24 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 23 points
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • viii. Group H:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 43 points.
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 34, 33 or 32 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 34 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 33 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 32 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 24, 23 or 22 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 24 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 23 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 22 points
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • ix. Group I:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 42 points.
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 33, 32 or 31 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 33 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 32 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 31 points.
            • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 23, 22 or 21 points.
              • i. Player with best game differential will have 23 points.
              • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 22 points.
              • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 21 points.
            • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • x. Group J:
            • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 41 points.
            • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 32, 31 or 30 points.
              • i. Player with best game differential will have 32 points.
              • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 31 points.
              • iii. Player with least game differential will have 30 points.
            • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 22, 21 or 20 points.
              • i. Player with best game differential will have 22 points.
              • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 21 points.
              • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 20 points.
            • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
        • xi. Groups K to Z:
          • 1. If you win 3 sets you score 40 points.
          • 2. if you win 2 sets and lose 1 you score either 31, 30 or 29 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 31 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 30 points.
            • iii. Player with least game differential will have 29 points.
          • 3. If you win 1 set and lose 2 you score either 21, 20 or 19 points.
            • i. Player with best game differential will have 21 points.
            • ii. Player with 2nd best game differential will have 20 points.
            • iii. Player with the least game differential will have 19 points.
          • 4. if you lose all 3 sets you score 3 points for that round.
      • c. The total points obtained for the 3 sets will be added to your total score to determine your ranking in your division.
      • d. In the case of a tie, the rankings are determined by the following criteria:
        •  i. Sets won.
        • ii. Games win/loss differential.
        • iii. Past round rank.
      • e. In the event a player does not show or defaults, the following will take place:
        • i. That player who defaults:
          • 1. Will have 40 points removed.
          • 2. Will be assigned negative 24 games.
          • 3. In the case of a player defaulting due to injury a decision will be made on a case-by-case basis of assigned points.
        • ii. Each of the other seeds in the group:
          • 1. Will earn the equivalent of 2 wins for their group (example if you are in group A you would get 39,40 or 41 points) for that round.
          • 2. Will be assigned + 8 games.
        • f. In case of injury on court during play please contact the tournament director a decision will be made on a case-by-case basis of assigned points.

Schedule of Play

  • a. Locations: the round robin rounds can be played in any paddle tennis court in Los Angeles. We recommend one of the following  7 locations (lights available) most players are familiar with.
    • i. Venice Beach
    • ii. Wade Park (lights)
    • iii. Glenn Alla Park (lights)
    • iv. Culver City Courts (lights)
    • v. Mcmanus Park
    • vi. Fox Hills
    • vii. Sherman Oaks Park
  • b. Players are responsible for securing there own courts and supplying balls.  Please be respectful and respect the rules of each park.
  • c. Schedule per round: Each round must be played within the rounds dates.* Schedule with dates of each round is available here:
    • i. Each round will last between 3-4 weeks (please make sure you check the calendar here for dates of each round.)
    • ii. Updated Groups will be emailed 24 hours after the end of each round  and  post next rounds teams.
  • d. Scheduling Guidelines: Each player must give a minimum of 3 available dates and locations from 7am to 8p.m. within the dates of each round.
    • i. Each player must announce their available dates prior to the end of the 3rd day of the start of each round.
      • 1. all players are responsible to start a group text.
      • 2. the first player to initiate communication will have priority in scheduling.
      • 3. If the majority of players in a group are in agreement with a set time and location the fourth player will be defaulted from round even if they were first to initiate.
    • ii. In case of conflict section i. 1 and i. 2 will be used to award points. Any player can communicate the issue via email to [email protected]  in following format:
      • 1. Subject: Schedule conflict.
      • 2. Body: Team/Player names and brief description of issue.
      • 3. Attachment: Screenshot or proof of issue.
    • iii. Cancellations are not tolerated and scored negatively (reference ranking and points system)
      • 1. The first cancelations Is a warning.
      • 2. Second cancellation you will be removed from the event and replaced.*

Score Reporting

Scores must be reported on in the tour section under “Report Your Score” :   by the end of match day. Any player may submit the scores using the following format:

  • a. Choose your Division
  • b. Choose you Group
  • c. Choose what round you are reporting
  • d. Enter the scores in the following format:
    • i. First set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #4 vs Player Rank #2 & Player Rank #3
    • ii. Second set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #3 vs Player Rank #2 & Player Rank #4
    • iii. Third set: Player Rank #1 & Player Rank #2 vs Player Rank #3 & Player Rank #4
    • set1 seed 1 & seed 4 vs seed 2 & seed 3
      set2 seed 1 & seed 3 vs seed 2 & seed 4
      set3 seed 1 & seed 2 vs seed 3 & seed 4
  • e. If only one Player reports a score that will be the official score.
  • f. Please email [email protected] for any incorrect score submissions.

Conflict resolution and Code of conduct

  • a. The Tour does not provide referees during the group stages (Please let us know  in advanced if  you feel a referee is needed and we will manage to send a court monitor, if possible)
  • b. All calls will be determined by each player on their respective sides.
  • c. In case of repeated issues please call Tournament Director: (305) 773-5267.
  • d. All players must behave in accordance with our code of conduct.
  • e. Any inappropriate behavior will result in immediate suspension from the Tour.

The “GOLDEN TICKET” Qualifying Tourney for Finals

The top 4 players In this event will get a wild card entry into the Tour finals.

  • 1) Qualifying criteria : there Will be 16 players total. The following criteria will qualify you into this tourney :
    • a) Players ranked 9, 10,11, and 12 from the tour(4 players).
    • b) Winners of the Street paddle annual mixed doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players).
    • c) Winners of the Street paddle annual men’s doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players).
    • d) Winners of the Street paddle annual women’s doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players).
    • e) Winners of the Street paddle annual U.S. Open Nationals mixed doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players).
    • f) Winners of the Street paddle annual U.S. Open Nationals men’s doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players)
    • g) Winners of the Street paddle annual U.S. Open Nationals women’s doubles or runner up in case winners are already qualified (2 players).
  • 2) Format
    • a) There will be 4 groups of 4 players.
      • i) Group A:
        • (1) Player ranked 9 in Tour.
        • (2) Winner of U.S. Open Nationals mixed doubles (Man).
        • (3) U.S. Open Nationals women’s doubles (Player 1).
        • (4) Winners of the Street paddle annual women’s doubles  (Player 1).
      • ii) Group B:
        • (1) Player ranked 10 in Tour.
        • (2) Winner of U.S. Open Nationals mixed doubles (Woman).
        • (3) Winners of U.S. Open Nationals men’s doubles (Player 1).
        • (4) Winners of the Street paddle annual women’s doubles  (Player 2)
      • iii) Group C
        • (1) Player ranked 11 in Tour.
        • (2) Winners of Street paddle annual mixed (Man).
        • (3) U.S. Open Nationals women’s doubles (Player 2).
        • (4) Winners of the Street paddle annual men’s doubles (Player 1).
      • iv) Group D
        • (1) Player ranked 12 in Tour.
        • (2) Winners of Street paddle annual mixed (Woman)
        • (3) Winners of U.S. Open Nationals men’s doubles (Player 2)
        • (4) Winners of the Street paddle annual men’s doubles (Player 2)
    • b) Each group will play a round Robin 8 game pro Set.
    • c) The Top-2 players from each group will proceed to the next round based on following criteria:
      • i) Sets won
      • ii) Game Differential
      • iii) In case of  a tie, a singles half court tie breaker to 10 points will determine who passes.
        • (1) this is a cross court tie breaker – alternating sides every point.
        • (2) win by 2.
        • (3) switch sides every 6 points.
        • (4) tie Breaker begins on the Advantage side.
    • d) In the Final round players will be ranked #1-#8 based on their first round results and will be divided into two groups :
      • i) Group A 1 – 3 – 5 – 7.
      • ii) Group B 2 – 4 – 6 – 8.
    • e) The best two players from each group will get a golden Ticket to the Tour final Event. based on the following criteria:
      • i) Sets won.
      • ii) Game differential.
      • iii) In case of  a tie, a singles half court tie breaker to 10 points will determine who passes.
        • (1) this is a cross court tie breaker – alternating sides every point.
        • (2) win by 2.
        • (3) switch sides every 6 points.
        • (4) tie Breaker begins on the Advantage side.

The Tour Finals

  • 1) Format
    • a. There will be 12 players in the Tour Finals.
      • i. The Top-8 ranked players in each Division.
      • ii. The 4 winners from the Wild card Tourney.
    • b. There will be 3 groups of 4 players.
      • i. Group A:
        • 1. Players ranked #1 and #6 from The Tour.
        • 2. Players ranked #3 and #4 from the Wild Card Tournament.
      • ii. Group B:
        • 1. Players ranked #2 ,#5 and #8 from the Tour.
        • 2. Player ranked #2 from the Wild Card Tournament.
      • iii. Group C
        • 1. Players ranked #3 ,#4 and #7 from the Tour.
        • 2. Player ranked #1 from the Wild Card Tournament.
    • c. Each group will play a round Robin 8 game pro Set.
    • d. The top 2 players from each group and the two best third place finishers will continue to the next round under the Following Criteria.
      • i. Sets won.
      • ii. Game differential.
      • iii. In case of a tie your Tour ranking will determine person to go to Final.
  • 2) The Semi finals
    • a. Players will be ranked 1-8 based on there previous Round performance and placed in two groups :
      • i. Group A : players ranked 1 , 3 , 5 , 7.
      • ii. Group B : players ranked 2 , 4 , 6 , 8.
    • b. Each group will play a round Robin 8 game pro Set.
    • c. The top two players from each group will qualify to Finals based on the following criteria:
      • i. Set won.
      • ii. Game differential.
      • iii. In case of a tie your Tour ranking will determine person to go to Final.
  • 3) The Final
    • a. Players will be ranked #1 – #2 – #3 – #4 considering individual performance in their respective semifinal with following criteria listed in order of importance:
      • i. Sets won.
      • ii. Game differential.
      • iii. In case of a tie, your Tour ranking will determine positions for final match.
    • b. Third place match.
      • i. #5 & #8 vs #6 & #7.
    • .c. Final Match will be played 2 out of 3 sets
      • i. #1 & #2 vs #3 & #4.
    • d. Prize Money Distribution.
      • i. Money will be divided equally within each team.
        • 1.Winner taking 70% and free entry to next year Tour.
        • 2. Runner Up 30%.
      • ii. The Prize money will be distributed as Follows (all Prize Money is Donated by Sponsors and Assigned as Directed).
        • 1. Open Division : $10,000.
        • 2. A1 Division: $1500.
        • 3. A2 Division: $750.
        • 4. B Division: 2 Paddles to winning team.
  • 4) Code Of Conduct:
    • a. Players may experience a wait time to secure a court in which to play; always respect the rules of every park you visit.
    • b. Good behavior, sportsmanship are required. Failure to do so will result in penalization and risk disqualification.
  • 5) Cancellation and Refund Policy:
    • a. You may cancel your subscription via E-mail to [email protected] with a 10 day advance notice prior to beginning of next round.
    • b. Cancelations made prior to 10 days of start of round are subject to a 30% fee.
      • i. If subscription is made monthly you will incur a fee equivalent to 30% of the remaining subscription balance.
      • ii. If subscription is paid on a one time fee – 70% of the remain balance will be refunded ( the balance is divided equally between the rounds).
    • c. Cancelations made after 10 days of start of round are subject to a 50% fee.
      • i. If subscription is made monthly you will incur a fee equivalent to half (50%) of the remaining subscription balance.
      • ii. If subscription is paid on a one time fee – 50% of the remain balance will be refunded ( the balance is divided equally between the rounds).

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • a. You may cancel your subscription via E-mail to [email protected] with a 10 day advance notice prior to beginning of next round.
  • b. Cancelations made prior to 10 days of start of round are subject to a 30% fee.
    • i. If subscription is made monthly you will incur a fee equivalent to 30% of the remaining subscription balance.
    • ii. If subscription is paid on a one time fee – 70% of the remaining balance will be refunded ( the balance is divided equally between the rounds).
  • c. Cancelations made after 10 days of start of round are subject to a 50% fee.
    • i. If subscription is made monthly you will incur a fee equivalent to half (50%) of the remaining subscription balance.
    • ii. If subscription is paid on a one time fee – 50% of the remaining balance will be refunded ( the balance is divided equally between the rounds).